Monday, 11 February 2013

The big cut part I

So, today I did something I've never done. I cut my hair. I mean, I've obviously had hair trims before, but I literally cut half my hair off. And it felt good.

I've always had long hair, for as long as I can remember. Long hair has always been my thing, and the thought of losing it once I have chemo scares me a bit. I've read that you should cut your hair before chemo to prepare yourself, your family, and your friends for the big change once you lose it so I decided I may as well have some fun with it while i can. It's also going to be much less work after my surgery so it's a win win. I also had my nails and toenails done today so will be feeling particularly glamorous tomorrow.

I've actually had a few perfect days since my last post. Friday was spent at home with friends. Saturday we just enjoyed relaxing in our new house for the first time, without unpacking a single box. Sunday started with crepes for breakfast, followed by a trip to the local markets where musicians were playing and all little birdie wanted to do was hold my hand and walk around. That afternoon i had some friends from school over and we also had little birdies first swimming lesson. She screamed for the full duration of the lesson but still did as she was asked and was adorable. She was obviously exhausted too as she went to bed an hour early!

So, now I'm all ready for my Mastectomy tomorrow at 1:30pm. All I have to do is pack my bag, get my little birdie to her aunties house, and check into the hospital to, as my husband just said 'get this shit out of me.'

Wish me luck!

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